Friday 11 March 2011

Royal Air MAROC engineer wins prestigious Msc MRO bursary

Yassine Herraz, Maintenance Planning & Packaging Manager, at Royal Air Maroc has been awarded a bursary by A J Walter Aviation, the complete aircraft spares support specialist, for the MSc Aircraft Maintenance Management degree course sponsored by the Company and organised by City University, London. 

This year AJW offered the Bursary to students exclusively from North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean region and the entries AJW received were exceptional, with particularly outstanding applicants from Morocco and Ethiopia.  This is the fourth year that AJW have supported the degree course and it is a source of great pride to the Company to be in a position to help talented individuals achieve academic success.

Mohammed Bellatig, VP Maintenance & Engineering at Royal Air Maroc is proud of his young engineer, “The possibility of further education in the field of aircraft maintenance management at the renowned City University, London is of a great benefit for both our colleague Yassine Herraz and Royal Air Maroc.  That Yassine won against such tough competition confirms the high professional level and expertise of our employees and as a Company we look to our young engineers to drive the change that our business needs to flourish in the future.”

Christopher Whiteside, President of AJW, is delighted with the response this year and made a special effort to personally present the award to Yassine in Casablanca: “We believe that our continuing sponsorship of both the course and the bursary demonstrates our commitment to the training and development of aviation professionals and we are encouraged by yet another year of considerable interest in our programme.  Last year a student from Czech Airlines won the accolade and prior to that it was won by engineers from Ethiopian Airlines and Emirates. These people are often the unsung heroes behind efficient and profitable airlines and so it gives us enormous pleasure to reward such exceptional individuals in this way.”

Professor Roger Wootton, Course Director at City University, London comments ‘The complete MSc in Aircraft Maintenance Management programme benefits from visiting lecturers working with leading airline companies including senior managers from British Airways, Boeing, Lufthansa, Monarch and Emirates. AJW is a significant contributor to the course and City University is very grateful for their continuing support.”

Source: Indian Aviation Magazine

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